Name and destination |
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In the first step of the New Backup Wizard you can configure the backup name and the backup destination.
Name your backup
Backup Name Enter the name of the backup job. This name will appear in the backup list, right under the chosen picture. This field is mandatory. The name of the backup job is closely related to the name of the subdirectory in destination that contains zipped and mirrored files and to the name of the catalog. That is why when you rename the backup job, the name of the catalog and the name of the subdirectory from destination are also changed if possible. If the destination is on HDD (local), LAN (network) FTP or SFTP (remote) the name of the subdirectory and the name of the catalog can be changed, except for the case when you do not have enough permission to rename or some files are locked.
Where do you want to save your backup
User can select one of the available destinations: